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Everyone wishes to make a difference in their community. 

By creating a partnership fund, people like you can

change our neighbors' lives today and tomorrow.

Please explore the inspiring and personal stories of our partners!


To donate, please click the name of our partner!

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Amur Leopards.jpeg

Conservation & Environment

GiGi's Playhouse

The Forever Endowment Fund supports the operations expenses of the Moline Regional Community Foundation.  An annual allocation provides a portion of the financial support for staff and office expenditures to carry out the organizational Mission. Often, Memorial and Honorarium gifts are designated to this fund, confirming the perpetual legacy of these individuals.  

Moline Regional Community Foundation Board Members
Nahant Marsch

The Make-A-Difference Endowment Fund

supports community projects and initiatives addressing area residents' emerging and essential needs.

Through strategic grant-making,

The Moline Regional Community Foundation can support area nonprofits that aspire to serve the community more effectively. 

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Flower Selection
Philanthropy transformas lives


Philanthropy is transforming.  Moline Regional Community Foundation offers opportunities to reach the region with a new era of giving.  Change is the long-term result of Your giving in action. The power of philanthropy is your power to transform communities.

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