Besides blossoming trees, emerging flowers, and warmer weather, one of the sure signs of Spring is the number of high school graduation ceremonies. This annual rite of passage is both nostalgic and full of hope.
A review of the student scholarship essays is a testament to the immense potential these young people hold. Their plans reflect their educational and career aspirations as well their determination to make a positive difference in the world we all share.
Through the generosity of our donors, Moline Regional Community Foundation has 20 scholarship opportunities with 35 recipients to help financially support their ambitions. These students are prepared to embark on their chosen paths: a trade, a technical school, a community college, or a four-year university.
If you want to support the next generation, consider establishing an endowed scholarship. This is the perfect way to honor a parent, educator, or someone influential to your success and to make a lasting impact on the lives of these young scholars.
Enjoy Spring and know our community has a bright and better future.